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Into Eternity in Glendale AZ

By CrpnDeth, Staff Photographer/Writer
Friday, September 15, 2006 @ 5:30 PM

The band takes a break from Gi

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Decided to catch Into Eternity the day before Gigantour hit town due to they were dropped from the Phoenix bill along with Sancity and the Smashup. Figured if Mustaine hand picked them for Gigantour like he does all the bands, they gotta be pretty good. Sorry to say, that does mean I haven’t caught them live before.

I got a couple of surprises I wasn’t expecting. First off, the club. The parking lot was tiny and once inside the club, it took me awhile to believe that a band playing on Gigantour would be playing here. This place was small.

The next surprise was actually worth the trip. With Into Eternity not hitting the stage until 11:15, I got the unusual pleasure of catching one of the opening bands, Triplever. These guys were good. Real good. They had my attention for the full set, which as you know is rare for an opening band. They hit the stage with Beyond the Grave, Jackhammer and Militia. By now the floor was packed, pushing up against the stage and raising all sorts of hell. The crowd’s reaction was unbelievable. By the time the band went through Wasted, Bloodshed, Merchants of Chaos, Without Warning and finished the set with Purgatory the mosh pits hadn’t tired once. And everyone was moshing – even the chicks. And I’m not talking about those “is that a guy or a chick?” types either. The chicks were holding their own. It was truly impressive. At one point the bigger guys formed an outer barrier so the chicks could do their own thing. When was the last time you saw that happen?? While I literally sat amazed at the performance as the band left the stage, I honestly couldn’t help but think – “why haven’t these guys been on the second stage at Ozzfest yet?”. They could easily explode off the second stage like so many other bands before them. Any one in the Phoenix area needs to look for these guys in December when they release their new CD through Vibe Merchant Records. You’re not going to be disappointed.

Finally, Into Eternity gets on stage and lets loose. By the time the band finished the first song, it dawns on me ….half the crowd has left. HALF. I thought I would be walking in to a IE crowd from everything I have heard about them, but I was wrong. Now remember - this was just an observation. I’m not knocking the band at all. IE was tight, they were good and they roared. They played a few tracks off their upcoming CD (such as Severe Emotional Distress and Timeless Winter), their musicianship was stellar …but honestly, they just didn’t seem to carry the momentum that Triplever built up. It could be just one of those things – maybe it was the club, maybe because it was the Tuesday night 11:15 stage time, maybe it was the off night …who knows. Good thing was, the band didn’t care. They played as if there were 20,000 people there, and it definitely showed. Lead singer Stu Block commanded the stage and put everything he had in to each and every song.

Regardless of how this show went, you should get out and see them on Gigantour. You will be glad you did.

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