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Two Nights Of ALEX COLE In SoCal With Photos!

By Larry Petro, News Monkey
Friday, August 9, 2019 @ 8:29 AM

Touring With TED NUGENT On "The Music Made Me Do It Again Tour"

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Review And Photos By Diego Gonzales, Los Angeles Photographer And Director

Alex Cole has been a performing talent here in Los Angeles since before I began carrying a camera to live music shows. I became a fan the first time I saw him play, but it should be noted that I carried an impartial judgment to the first two performances of the tour. Never having been let down, and hoping for the best on this new tour, I became witness to a new huge victory for rock and roll performers here in the LA music scene. With the state of the current music industry, it’s easy to be skeptical that a music talent can rise above the times. Alex Cole and his band just put the faith and hope back in the love of rock and roll. He shined a light that his rise to bigger opportunities are a possible reality. You need not take my word for it. Go and see for yourself. He continues to be an up and coming talent that proves he is deserving of ascension in the modern rock and roll world. You should know his name.

To paint you a picture of Alex Cole, he is an Italian born dynamo imported to Hollywood that embodies the spirit of Elvis, Chuck Berry, AC/DC, and Jimmy Page. He is also a modern-day incarnation of Ted Nugent performing in stadiums. He carries two classic model Gibson guitars. His Gold Top Les Paul and huge ES-137 hollow-body classic is adorned by feathers, and the guitars are fueled by Marshall amplification. He wields these sonic weapons in a true show of motion, high energy antics, and feel good emotions.

His opening show for the tour was at The Rose in Pasadena. Expectations were that most fans were there to see guitar hero Ted Nugent headlining. However, as I walked around with my camera, I began to feel an energy. The entire crowd was moving their heads, hands, and feet. Alex Cole fans knew what to expect, but the people there to see their legend Uncle Ted found an instant comfort and welcome bonus seeing Alex. Further simplified, people were there to see and hear that specific American rock and roll feeling. Alex Cole and his musicians delivered every note thatsatisfied the expectations of the audience.

With a personal knowledge of what Alex has done on the stages of the Whisky a Go Go, Viper Room, and countless LA stages and venues, I did notice a strong energy of anticipation and some nerves from the band. I attributed this to every real musician opening for a major act. They question whether they will be accepted by the crowd. Where this might crush a band starting on a major stage playing for hundreds of fans, it ended up translating to a spark that drove a true rock and roll moment. Nerves and pressure were cast aside. The premiere performance ended up producing a higher level of electricity and indulgence about what it means to love rock and roll.

Alex and the band slipped right into a power zone of connecting with the audience. Michael Dwyer, his usual go-to bass player, laid down his sure, well-timed, solid bass thumps. Always a smile on Michael’s face and swinging his giant bass he set the background. I am used to seeing Alejandro Mercado on the drum throne. He is a working LA musician and monster drummer who carries a physical presence and stature that matches his style. Alejandro, however, was set to play later dates on the tour. This show was the first time I saw Lee Piatelli on drums. He fit right in like a glove. Clearly with pro chops, Lee hit hard and drove the rhythm. They were all tight and by the time the set concluded, I saw everyone smiling. Many were commenting on how much they enjoyed Alex and the band. The crowd acknowledge that their everlasting love of rock and roll was alive.

Night Two was at the Canyon Club in Agoura Hills. This night had a different positive energy from the band. The initial explosion and adrenaline-like rush of their premiere performance was replaced by a confidence. There was a further feeling of the band hitting the audience even harder. Lee Piatelli was still on drums giving even more than the night before. The joy in his face and motion made me enjoy the music that much more.

There was a new face for me carrying the low notes in Agoura. Michael Risucci is a known solid bass talent on the LA scene, he did nothing less than deliver on his rep. He was another seamless addition to the band. Risucci further solidified the quality of the Alex Cole band and what his music brings to the fans. Alex brings the best musicians to voice his music and he brought big guns with him on both nights.

Speaking of Alex that night, he let go of even more. I saw a noticeable group of attractive ladies holding their cell phones. They were in the isles filming and taking photos of him. Then I saw him at the front of the stage almost on the tables. He sang from both mics on both sides of the stage. He engaged the audience directly. In between wicked solos he crushed some rock chords and lifted his guitar in the air. I was pumped to be there and even happier to see Alex Cole succeed on a big stage growing an audience and moving on to bigger and better things!

Alex Cole is a fan hero. Every time I have seen him play, including on this tour, he takes the time to meet with the fans after his show. After his shows I found him in front of his merch booth signing autographs, shaking hands, giving hugs, and posing for every picture requested by his current and new-won fans. He is a gracious and appreciative talent. Bands and upcoming musicians could learn a huge lesson from how he carries himself. As if it weren’t enough to win a cold crowd to your side. He provides the example that it takes to be successful in modern music. Give the fans a musical connection on stage. Also, give them an accessibility and appreciation that they will value enough to follow you on social media, tell their friends about you, and buy a ticket to see your next performance. The guy is doing everything right, and by the way, he absolutely rocks the stage. If you are a fan of rock and roll and get that warm feeling of positivity and satisfaction when you hear a guitar roar, you are guaranteed to become a fan of Alex Cole.

Find him at:


Check some more photos from the shows!
Photos By Diego Gonzales, Los Angeles Photographer And Director

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