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5 years later...A Place To Remember

By Philthy Phil, 8-Foot Viking
Sunday, September 10, 2006 @ 12:33 AM

September 11, 2001

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    8:46 AM Plane crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
    9:03 AM Plane crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Center.
    9:17 AM The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) shuts down all New York City area airports.
    9:21 AM The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) halts all flights at U.S. airports. It is the first time in history that air traffic has been halted nationwide.
    9:38 AM Plane crashes into the Pentagon. Evacuation begins immediately.
    9:45 AM The White House evacuates.
    10:05 AM The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
    10:10 AM A portion of the Pentagon collapses.
    10:10 AM Plane crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.
    10:22 AM The State and Justice Departments, as well as the World Bank are evacuated.
    10:28 AM The World Trade Center's north tower collapses.
    10:45 AM All federal office buildings in Washington, D.C. are evacuated.
    1:44 PM Five warships and two aircraft carriers are ordered to leave the U.S. Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia to protect the East Coast.
    4:10 PM Building 7 of the World Trade Center collapses.
The Flights

    American Airlines Flight 11
    From: Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport)
    To: Los Angeles, California
    Lives: 92 people on board
    Crashed into North Tower of World Trade Center at 8:46 AM

    United Airlines Flight 175
    From: Boston, Massachusetts (Logan Airport)
    To: Los Angeles, California
    Lives: 65 people on board
    Crashed into South Tower of World Trade Center at 9:03 AM

    American Airlines Flight 77
    From: Washington, D.C. (Dulles Airport)
    To: Los Angeles, CA
    Lives: 64 people on board
    Crashed into the Pentagon at 9:38 AM

    United Airlines Flight 93
    From: Newark, New Jersey
    To: San Francisco, California
    Lives: 44 people on board
    Crashed into rural Pennsylvania (southeast of Pittsburgh)


    Victims came from more than 90 countries around the world. The following are the number of people who died at each site:

    World Trade Center 2,823 (includes airline passengers)
    Pentagon 125 (not incuding plane victims)
    Flight 11 92 people on board
    Flight 175 64 people on board
    Flight 77 64 people on board
    Flight 93 44 people on board



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